Controlling. Made Simple.

Immediate Clarity about your company's financial situation.

Intuitive software for planning, controlling and liquidity forecasting.

Especially for small and medium-sized companies.

Set up in minutes.

Book a free consultation now         

Try it free for 14 days  |  Without risk   |  Ends automatically

Controlling. Made Simple made.

Instant Clarity about the financial Situation of your company.

Intuitive software for planning, controlling and Liquidity forecast.

Especially for small and medium-sized companies.

Set up in minutes.

Book a free consultation now         

Free for 14 days test  |  Without Risk  |  Ends automatically

Companyon Analytics_Notebook mit Controlling Cockpit





Ready to go straight away

Co Companion is ready to go straight away thanks to the import of your accounting data (e.g. from Datev).

Without Excel.

Companyon Controlling Software | Icon Transparenz und Charts


Companyon prepares your Data within Seconds in intuitive overviews, charts and Analyzes on.

Target/actual analyses included.



With our You create comfort planning Plans, forecasts & Scenarios as quickly as never.

Automatic results and Liquidity forecasts included.

Financial planning and controlling in one application.

The Co Companion functions at a glance:

GF cockpit

Here you can keep an eye on sales, costs, earnings and the most important key figures. Including comparison to previous periods, target/actual comparisons and forecast.


Simple analysis

For easy analysis and interpretation, Co Companion automatically converts your numbers into graphical analyzes and historical charts.


Key figures

Co Companion automatically generates important key figures for your company.

BWA & Balance sheet

Co Companion automatically creates a usable BWA (including target/actual comparison and earnings forecast) and an interim balance sheet.


Planning & Forecast

Plan the future, in any budget, forecast or best/worst case scenario. Including numerous target/actual comparisons.



Plan and control your liquidity directly in Co Companion. Including Liquidity forecast.

Companyon Controlling Software _ Geschäftsführer Cockpit

GF cockpit

>Here you can keep an eye on sales, costs, earnings and the most important key figures.

Including comparison to previous periods, target/actual comparisons and forecast.

Companyon Controlling Software_Chart Liquiditätsprognose


Plan and control your liquidity directly in Co Companion. Including Liquidity forecast.

Companyon Controlling Software _ BWA

BWA & Balance sheet

Co Companion automatically creates a usable BWA (including target/actual comparison and earnings forecast) and an interim balance sheet.

Companyon Controlling Software_Modul Analyse

Simple analysis

For easy analysis and interpretation, Co Companion automatically converts your numbers into graphical analyzes and historical charts.

Companyon Controlling Software_Modul Kennzahlen

Key figures

Co Companion automatically generates important key figures for your company.

Proportion of insolvent companies for which the lack of a controlling system was the main cause of the insolvency:


Smaller and medium-sized companies in particular still use self-created Excel overviews to display and analyze their company figures. This is not only very time-consuming and error-prone, but also usually limited in terms of the range of functions and user comfort.

Many of our users started with self-developed Excel-based controlling. Over time, the complexity of the processes grew to such an extent that the previous Excel solution could no longer map them or the ongoing adjustment became too time-consuming.

With Co Companion you'll be up and running within minutes, without using Excel. Your numbers are imported monthly and all planning and analysis functions are automatically available to you. Right up to the current liquidity forecast for your company.

Many industries have been confronted with rapidly changing influences for months: rising energy costs, lack of availability of materials and personnel, declining willingness to buy and invest. Most companies are unable to forecast the impact of these changes on earnings and liquidity on an ad hoc basis. Critical situations are often recognized far too late, and discussions with the house bank are conducted too late and poorly prepared.

With Co Companion you can create corresponding forecasts within minutes. This means you always have an up-to-date overview and outlook of your company's financial situation.



Companyon Controlling Software | ISO-zertifiziertes Rechenzentrum


ISO certified data center

Your data is stored in a security-certified data center.

Companyon Controlling Software | SSL verschlüsselt


SSL encryption

The security of your data during transmission is guaranteed by SSL encryption (256 bits).

Companyon Controlling Software | Konform zur Datenschutzgrundverordnung DSGVO


GDPR compliant

We act consistently in accordance with data protection standards (GDPR).



Co Companion achieves 100% compliance with PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) for the secure processing of credit card payments.




Silver medal

Second place at the prestigious Out of the Box Award.

Sounds exciting? We think so too.

If you would like to find out more, just book yourself
Your personal Co Companion tour.


We would be happy to present Co Companion’s diverse functions to you individually. Simply reserve a non-binding online presentation appointment. Our team looks forward to exchanging ideas with you.


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Contact us

Address: 31 North Terrace, Hackney SA 5069, Australia

Phone: +61883637666